A Sneak Peak at Courville Plaza

The vacant lot at East Warren and Courville, long a source of blight on MorningSide’s main business corridor, won’t be a magnet for trash forever. The East Warren/Cadieux Plan is scheduled to break ground in the spring/summer of next year, and it’s going to transform that lot, and the angle parking spaces next to it, into a dual-purpose community space.

Most days it will be a parking lot for easier access to businesses on East Warren, but community members will also be able to rent the plazas for special events throughout the year.

Here are a couple of artist’s renderings to give you an idea of what Courville Plaza might look like when completed, courtesy of OHM Advisors.

The Planning Department and East Warren Development Corporation are interested in your feedback on the plans so far. What type of events would you like to see held here?

You can also contact any of the following people working on this project: Allen Penniman (pennimana@detroitmi.gov), Erika Linenfelser (linenfelserE@detroitmi.gov), or Joe Rashid (joe@ewarren.org).


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