Progress Made in 2021, Challenges Remain

Most of us would agree that 2021 was a year like no other, and like the City of Detroit motto says, “Speramus Meliora”—we hope for better things—in the New Year. Yet despite the many challenges brought on by the pandemic, several positive changes were experienced in our MorningSide neighborhood during the past year.

After years of citywide complaints regarding speeding on residential streets, 2021 brought speed humps to almost every street in MorningSide. In my opinion, they have indeed resulted in slower driving. Several streets, even including some cross-streets, were paved last year for the first time in the 30 years I’ve lived here. DTE replaced many of our natural gas meters in 2021, which required replacing sidewalks in front of hundreds of houses. Tree trimming and new wooden light poles on many blocks provided additional upgrades to our community infrastructure. While many of these changes were long overdue, the result is a safer and better-looking environment.

New housing investment is also happening big-time. Large dumpsters indicating major rehabs of vacant houses are evident on almost every block. Sale prices for many rehabbed homes are often in the $150,000+ range. The City of Detroit demolished at least four unsavable structures, with a few more on the schedule. And major improvements to East Warren are planned for this summer.

Although the above changes bring reasons for hope, many quality-of-life issues remain to be tackled in 2022. By my estimate, we still have over 300 vacant houses in the neighborhood. Almost all of them are owned by non-Detroit investors. The City’s Nuisance Abatement program cited over 40 of these in 2021, but other actions can be taken by organized neighborhood groups such as ours. Also, the Land Bank owns over 300 lots that are available to block clubs and neighbors who show plans for improvement.

My personal priorities for MorningSide in 2022 include advocating for:

  • removal of non-running, unlicensed cars—especially on side streets and empty lots

  • ticketing of cars parked on front lawns

  • code enforcement on landlords of substandard and vacant houses

What are YOUR priorities for action in MorningSide during 2022? The MorningSide board wants to hear any and all realistic ideas for neighborhood improvement. Hit us up at, or email me directly at

Wishing you a healthy and happy 2022. Speramus meliora!


Morningside’s Finest: Tito Burleigh


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