Another Business Corridor in MorningSide to Get a Facelift
Mack Avenue Streetscape Plan – Project Study Area. Image courtesy of OHM Advisors
The Eastside Community Network (ECN) launched the Mack Avenue Streetscape Plan project in 2022 to build on previous planning efforts with the goal to develop a community-preferred street design from Conner Street in Detroit to Moross Road in Grosse Pointe Farms. It will be created through a participatory planning process that involves the residents of Detroit and the Grosse Pointe communities over the next six months. The collective goal of the project is to unify Mack Avenue as a street that all residents enjoy and feel comfortable using, with a consistent, cohesive, and vibrant feel.
Specific streetscape improvements include:
Improved sidewalks and safer crosswalks
Additional street trees and landscaping
Consistent, aesthetically appealing street furniture
Public art and public spaces
New street lighting
Upgraded bus stops
District identity signage and wayfinding signage
Project Timeline
The project kicked off in June 2022 with a series of corridor tours to experience walking, driving, and infrastructure conditions along Mack Avenue. Engineers, landscape architects, planners, and graphic designers are working in tandem with ECN, a project Steering Committee, and residents to develop street design options that best address the issues along the corridor.
In December 2022, the project team launched the community engagement phase of the project to hear thoughts and ideas from residents, business owners, and local leaders about the future of the corridor.
The next few months are centered around meeting with and collecting feedback from the community to inform the next phase of the project, design concept development, with the goal to complete the Streetscape Planning study by July 2023 and initiate construction in 2025.
Read on to see how you can be involved!
Take the survey here!
Attend a Meeting!
Town Hall Meeting 1
Tuesday, January 10th from 6 – 7:30 PM
Mack Market: 14711 Mack Avenue Detroit, MI 48215
Cornerstone Village Association meeting
Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10am
Love Rising Church 21230 Moross Rd., Detroit, MI 48236
We want to attend your block club, neighborhood association, business association, or other community meeting! Email if you’d like the project team to attend an upcoming meeting.