City launches Application Process for Sidewalk Replacement

As a part of the streetscape project on East Warren, new sidewalks have been installed. Image courtesy of Jeffrey D. Lewis II

  • Mayor adds $20.5M of budget surplus funds to expand sidewalk replacement; work to take place this year

  • Applications and info on all programs mentioned in Mayor’s State of the City Address available on city’s website

  • Click here to request a sidewalk replacement

Repairs for sidewalks will be given priority for in the following categories:

  • Near schools, churches and parks

  • Identified and requested by registered neighborhood block clubs

  • Adjacent to city road resurfacing projects

  • Requested by elderly and disabled residents

  • Along city jurisdiction commercial corridors where cleanup and beautification is planned

  • Existing backlog of requests from prior years


Pulling Back the Curtain on How Our City Operates


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