Curb Appeal on East Outer Drive

Outer Drive has always been considered by many as one of Detroit's premier thoroughfares. Many of its large and beautiful homes are based right here in MorningSide.

As you're traveling along East Outer Drive, the curb appeal of one home will definitely have you wanting to take a second look.

The stunning East Outer Drive residence belongs to Mrs. Mary Jones. A resident of MorningSide since 2008, Mrs. Jones credits her daughter for discovering one of the neighborhood's most inspiring homes. "I was on vacation and my daughter just happened to come across the property," says Mrs. Jones. After viewing the property, she was immediately sold. As she says, "It just had the right spirit."

The previous owner lost the home due to a foreclosure. "Even then it was well cared for. It made our job a lot easier," says Mrs. Jones.

At 74 years young (doesn't look a day over 35 years old), Mrs. Jones, a retired deputy sheriff for the Wayne County Sheriff's office, takes great pride in maintaining her yard.

"I don't see it as work, it brings me joy and pleasure," says Mrs. Jones.

During our two hour conversation, Mrs. Jones and I had the opportunity to discuss many things, from her days as a sheriff at the William Dickerson Detention Facility in Hamtramck, to the landscape of the city today, and of course her beautiful home.

"One of the things I would recommend to anyone looking to beautify their yard is to one, shop around, whether it's at Home Depot or English Gardens, it never hurts to search around for the best deal, and most importantly, find something that inspires you," says Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones originally hails from the small town of Rockhill, South Carolina. It wasn't until she turned eighteen that she relocated to Detroit.

"We lived in Brooklyn, New York for a very short period of time before we moved to Detroit," says Mrs. Jones. In all the years of living in the city, this is Mrs. Jones first time residing here on the city's east side. "I would forever hear the west side is better, the east side is better, it was always funny to me, says Mrs. Jones. She has since joined the consensus in the never ending debate, "the east side is indeed better," says a smiling Mrs. Jones.

You will find a variety of flowers and plants in Mrs. Jones yard. Everything from mums, to hostas, a Japanese maple tree, and the vibrant begonias that line both sides of her sidewalk leading to her front porch.

Mrs. Jones is a spiritual woman and gives God the credit for the inspiration she has in maintaining her yard. Towards the conclusion of our conversation, Mrs. Jones provided me with a scripture she lives by: From Psalms 118:24, This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Mrs. Jones is a true gem. It's individuals such as her that make our community a better place. We are very fortunate to have her here in MorningSide!


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