Gas Lines Being Replaced in MorningSide
As part of DTE’s commitment to safety and the environment, DTE Gas is replacing the original cast iron gas mains and services in our neighborhoods over the next few months. Underground infrastructure renewals are undoubtedly a messy affair and will interrupt our front yards, sidewalks, and berms for a while.
If your gas meter is currently inside, it will also be moved to the exterior of your home as part of an MPSC (Michigan Public Service Commission) mandate. Crews will knock on your door for meter move out appointments and will work with your schedule. You can be certain they will be following all COVID safety guidelines. Feel free to ask crews questions as they work along your street.
DTE is responsible for all hard and soft surface restoration, and the City of Detroit monitors and inspects this work to make sure they are in compliance. Please be patient as we work through these upgrades together.
There's a direct line, (313) 270-9240, that you can call for questions about the program, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you are not receiving a call back, please contact your neighborhood association or District Manager – as they generally know how to get hold of DTE.
Sidewalks partially removed to replace the castiron gas mains. Image courtesy of Jim West