Greening of Detroit Partners with MCO to Plant 40 Trees in MorningSide
After happily being tasked with coordinating the May 14 MorningSide tree planting with my fellow board member AJ White, we narrowed the scope of the project to western MorningSide - mainly Nottingham, Beaconsfield and a bit of Somerset, where both the trees and the houses are few and far between. We planted a variety of trees, including shade trees and ornamentals.
The Greening of Detroit did the heavy lifting, providing most of the volunteers, a port-a potty, morning refreshments, tools, techniques and trees.
Thanks to the MorningSide residents who came out to help beautify the Western portion of MorningSide - Gary Gray, Elena Fracassa, MorningSide president Eric Dueweke, and our own local photographer, Jim West.
4820 Nottingham has been a notorious dumping spot for years. After planting a lovely tree, putting down sheet mulching, planting sunflowers, and installing a homemade NO DUMPING! sign that was made by fellow board member Nic Hall. Since the sign has been upright there has been no more dumping - a major victory for our Nottingham community curb appeal.
It really looks and feels a lot better with these blessed trees. I’ve noticed many neighbors decorating the bases of the trees with flowers and stake lights and taking care of the berm.
Volunteers of the Greening of Detroit assist children in planting a tree. Image courtesy of Jim West
Volunteers are hard at work in digging the location for the tree planting. Image courtesy of Jim West