MEC Radio Patrol – Helping the Police Help Us Stay Safe
Members of the MEC Neighborhood Patrol gather at The Craft Cafe. Image courtesy of Judy Roth
The Citizens Radio Patrol Program is one of Detroit’s best success stories. Through a partnership with the Detroit Police Department, our radio patrol groups have been engaged in crime prevention efforts since 1967. Criminals are not in the business of working harder; they are looking to avoid being observed, to avoid contact, and to avoid getting caught.
Our MEC Neighborhood Radio Patrol has been patrolling Morningside, East English Village, and Cornerstone Village since 1976. We are seeking interested, committed volunteers. Increasing the presence of our citizen patrollers shows would-be criminals that the community refuses to let crime run rampant.
Volunteering with the patrol does not require a large amount of time. Even an hour or two once or twice a month are helpful. It can actually be fun to learn what is going on in the different neighborhoods.
Each applicant must complete a Volunteer Application and pass a Detroit Police Department Criminal Background Check. Once cleared you are eligible to become a Base Operator, a Driver, or an Observer, who rides along with a Driver looking out for issues in the neighborhood and recording them on an Activity Sheet. The Observer will handle location checks with Base Operator on our Police Radios. Patrol Drivers are reimbursed for mileage (65.5) cents a mile.
If you prefer working from home, we also need Base Radio Operators. It requires you to stay in contact with the Observer and Driver while they are patrolling, as well as our 5th Precinct Department. Suspicious activities and crimes are reported to the Base Operator, who then relays this information to the 5th Precinct. If it's an emergency, the Observer directly calls 911 with the information. So, if you like being able to stay at home, this could be your patrol position.
Patrols require two members to be in the vehicle. They always remain in the vehicle except to possibly perform "Good Samaritan Acts". No weapons of any kind can be carried while on patrol, even if the volunteer has a CCW.
Patrollers are not to engage in high-speed chases. Crime and serious situations must be reported immediately to the Base Operator for relay to the Police, or if in an emergency, dial 911. Also, patrollers should never confront individuals or put themselves in harm's way. That job is for our Police Department to handle. Our role is to watch over the neighborhoods looking for suspicious activities, illegal dumping, abandoned vehicles and boats, unsecured vacant houses, and such.
Training will be provided. Each new volunteer is required to do at least three ride-alongs with other patrollers. You are trained to look out for specific warning signs while out on patrol. These would include unsecured homes with open doors, broken windows, ladders leaning against buildings, persons following mail or newspaper carriers, loitering individuals, burglar alarms triggered, and vehicles slowly driving up and down alleys, to name a few.
Our area is covered by the 5th Precinct, 3500 Conner, Detroit, MI 48215 - (313) 596-5500. Our patrol officers are always great to work with, and our NPO Officers are awesome and very hardworking.
Please consider becoming “eyes and ears” for the DPD by volunteering with our MEC Neighborhood Citizens Radio Patrol. For Volunteer Applications contact Judith Roth (313) 690-0613 by text or voice mail. Also, MEC President, Beverly Brown (313) 505-8355.
MEC Neighborhood Patrol members at East English Preparatory Academy at Finney. Image courtesy of Michigan Radio