Meet an NPO – Officer Willie Soles

Neighborhood Police Officer Willie Soles has deep roots in the 5th Precinct. He was born and raised in the Mack and Bewick area, the youngest of nine, and the only boy. “Being the only boy meant I learned how to cook and sew. I can pretty much take care of myself,” he says with a laugh.

Officer Soles’ first career was as a social worker doing substance abuse counseling at Harbor Light Mission. After a few years there, he decided that police work would be a more effective way to fight substance abuse. “I thought I could nip it in the bud this way,” he says.

He joined the police force 25 years ago, working as a patrol officer in this precinct until he became an NPO two years ago. “I have a different outlook now, because I’m not just going on police runs. I’m meeting more people on a positive note, helping to bridge the gap between the police and the community.

One of the programs Officer Soles and other NPOs have committed to is bridging the gap between law enforcement and students at East English Village Preparatory Academy. Before the pandemic, he and other NPOs would meet on a weekly basis, in plain clothes, with male students to share their experiences. Many of the students, he says, think most police officers are just out to harass Black men and boys. Discussions were frank and sometimes intense, but helpful, he says. COVID-19 has put these meetings on hold, but he looks forward to continuing them as soon as possible.

Officer Soles’ biggest challenge as an NPO before the pandemic was “being pulled in every direction” - taking care of the usual complaints from residents, attending community meetings, and being called to special details. Things have slowed down a bit due to Covid restrictions, but he says he misses the personal connection, especially when attending meetings via Zoom.

Sports and weight-lifting help him to de-stress, he says, but his real passion is fishing. Asked about ice fishing, Officer Soles just laughed, saying, “No, I try to catch enough during the summer to last me through the winter!”


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