Morningside Makes Great Strides Despite Challenges of 2020


I want to talk to you about what your Morningside Board of Directors worked on in 2020 to move our community forward during a global pandemic. There were many challenges that we all faced last year, beginning in March with the outbreak of COVID-19. This was our last in-person meeting, and for health reasons due to the pandemic we were no longer able to meet in-person. Staying connected would now become the question that needed to be answered. Read below for the answer and learn of the other accomplishments MCO made during 2020.

Zoom for You
We immediately purchased a Zoom account so that we could continue to meet with all of you and the board would be able to continue taking care of the business for our community. We had 12 robust community conversations, 2 in-person prior to COVID, and 10 via the Zoom platform. Valuable information was shared from various guest speakers throughout the year.

We were able to carefully have a few events while socially distancing. The Morningside Garage Sale was lots of fun and a success for all who participated selling goods, buying products, or just plain visiting with a neighbor. We assure you that it will occur again this year. Additionally we had 2 Morningside bike rides that were well attended and even brought residents from our neighboring communities along for the ride.

Participants of the Morningside Community Bike Ride enjoying a picture perfect day. Image courtesy of Nicolas Hall

Participants of the Morningside Community Bike Ride enjoying a picture perfect day. Image courtesy of Nicolas Hall

Flyer distribution throughout Morningside was one of several outreach initiatives made by MCO in 2020. Image courtesy of Nicolas Hall

Flyer distribution throughout Morningside was one of several outreach initiatives made by MCO in 2020. Image courtesy of Nicolas Hall

We received a couple of canvassing grants and twice acted as a fiduciary for another organization. Before the close of 2019, we conducted similar canvassing activities that increased the balance in our bank account. This has been the most important element of bringing funds into the organization as we do not have a stream of income.

Canvassing & Outreach
We put Detroiters to work as they canvassed for the 2020 Census funded by the City of Detroit and the East Warren/Cadieux effort funded by Invest Detroit. We created a colorful flyer that provided essential resources, as well as contact information for each MCO Board Director. We knocked the doors and passed out over 3000 flyers in Morningside.

Keeping You Informed Digitally
We built out a new and vibrant website that went live in June. Since then we have had 3200 visits. MailChimp helped us reach all of you. In January 2020 we were reaching 189 Detroiters and by the end of the year our reach is up to 311, up 60% and growing. We added Simple Texting, that gives us the ability to send a quick text, meeting announcement, or reminder of an important event. We have over 1000 followers between Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We are growing communication with you every day thanks to Nic Hall and Jeff Lewis II.

We continue to have the best newsletter on the east side thanks to Jeff Lewis II and Susan Newell, and don't let me forget our amazing resident photographer Jim West. We put out 8 quality issues, having 64 articles written by our friends and neighbors.

It took us some time, but we did establish a Bylaws Committee before the end of 2020, and they are currently convening to review the current bylaws and bring suggested changes to the community in early 2021 for a vote. Please bear with us as we are now moving forward and in good hands with Adrian Green.

Food Distribution
For our 2nd year in partnership with the Gleaners organization we have distributed a food value of $338,827.06, up from 2019’s distribution of $123,019.40 worth of food. We knew the need was much greater this year and we answered the call. Thank you to Twiana Odom for leading this effort going into our 3rd year of feeding our neighbors. Lastly, we need more volunteers at the distributions each week. Please sign up on our website to donate a couple hours of your time each month.

Block Captain Program
Nic Hall took this task on in May 2020 when you elected him to the board and he greatly expanded resident interest and participation, not an easy task by any measure. The board agreed to purchase 50 trash picker uppers and they were distributed to the block captains. Nic and the block captains will be having their 1st monthly meeting on Zoom very soon to set some goals for 2021.

Vacant Residential Property Task Force
In October, nine Morningside residents volunteered to go out and take inventory on vacant residential properties. We identified 464 vacant residences. Aaron Smith is heading up this effort and we are continuing on to phase two. We will be addressing the DLBA properties and our less than stellar investors that need to step up or step out of Morningside. To the investors, get these properties renovated, inspected and occupied! We will not tolerate less than quality renovation of these properties. If you are not up to the task, SELL! We are done with your lack of respect for OUR community.

Three Mile Munich Park & Gateway Park
We will be seeing a new mural this spring at our neighborhood city park. We democratically voted to have Jake Dwyer, a local artist, create a mural with an uplifting theme. Also, SAY Detroit added seating and other improvements to the park as they have for the last 3 years. We appreciate Marc “Rosey” Rosenthal from SAY Detroit and the volunteers from Cooper Standard. We did a major clean up at the Gateway Park at Alter Rd. and Mack Ave. in collaboration with Motor City Grounds Crew, and friend to Morningside, Carol Wilson, formerly with Habitat for Humanity. New and exciting plans for the Gateway coming in 2021.

Show Me the Money
Our organization grew its finances considerably in 2020, and this speaks to a larger trend that I would like to showcase. In 2019, we had a beginning balance of $4,977.19, and an ending balance of $8,269.75, a 66% increase in our finances. In 2020, our growth was even better, with a 121% increase, wrapping up the year with an impressive $18,329.52 in the bank. We also introduced measures to provide oversight and transparency. Quickbooks was put in place as our accounting system. A requirement was adopted of 2 signatures on every check. And every month, we have provided a financial report to the community. That’s a long way to go in just two years! It’s a financial record our board is proud of. A big thank you goes to our Treasurer, Adrian Green, who has been instrumental here.

The past 2 years have been a complete rebuilding of the Morningside Community Organization and I am very proud of what we’ve accomplished, especially this past year, despite its challenges. We continue to build community partnerships and build the balance in our Huntington Bank account. The board and I will work with great vigor until the end of our terms in May 2021, and work to increase the number of residents attending our meetings. Oh, by the way, Morningside received the 2020 MOE Better award at the Eastside Community Extravaganza for best east side community organization!


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