Morningside’s Finest: Nicole Bryant

In the two years Nicole Bryant has called MorningSide home, she has gone above and beyond to inspire her fellow neighbors and boost the morale of her community.

In an area of MorningSide that is often left out the conversation of neighborhood improvement, rising home values, streetscape project, etc., Nicole realized she has a responsibility to do her part of improving her community.

Nicole's home is highlighted as our Curb Appeal feature for the month of November by her outstanding lawn display during the Halloween season.

It wasn't just solely Halloween either. One holiday after another, Nicole dedicates countless hours of building a showcase that makes Beaconsfield street shine brighter than it has been in decades.

During these last two years, Nicole has rented her home on Beaconsfield, and soon she will be relocating, but don't worry, she isn't going too far.

Nicole is in the process of closing on the purchase of her new home and will become a 1st-time homeowner on Buckingham. She is set to move in by the end of the week.

When asked why she chose MorningSide originally, Nicole mentioned that her Beaconsfield home reminded her of the childhood home she was raised in over in the neighboring Chandler Park community. Nicole decided to remain here as a homeowner because of the strong community presence, as well as the family-like atmosphere that MorningSide has.

Although her soon to be former neighbors on Beaconsfield will miss the lawn displays during the holidays, her new neighbors on Buckingham is definitely in for a treat and so is the rest of MorningSide.


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