Sustainable Elements Key to Gateway Park Makeover
MorningSide's Gateway Park. Image courtesy of Jim West
For the first time in quite a while, MorningSide's Gateway Park is gaining attention for all the right reasons.
The northwest corner at Mack Avenue and Alter Road underwent a significant makeover back in September as many new plants, and a beautiful Colorado blue spruce tree took its rightful spot as the centerpiece of the park.
All of this was made possible by two generous MorningSide business owners who believe in giving back to the community they serve.
John McLeod of the Cloud Cannabis Company and Jim Leamon of Leamon Landscape and Design took the lead of uplifting the grounds of a very important entryway into MorningSide.
Growing up on the west side of Detroit in the Rosedale Park neighborhood, John has been active in community-driven projects since his childhood as his parents were heavily involved in the community (still are to this day).
Taking on this endeavor was extremely important to him as the Detroit side of Mack has often been neglected compared to our suburban neighbors across the street. "Our side of Mack Avenue should look just as good as the Grosse Pointe side. I look at it as my responsibility to make sure we are looking just as good," says McLeod.
"This serves as the Gateway into MorningSide and it's important that people know they are here in our community. Things are changing for the good and it's truly on the rise," says McLeod.
"Jim is the plant guy," says McLeod. He knows all the types, the ones that will survive in their respective climates, he knows it all.
Working on the Gateway, John and Jim both initiated strategic planning and were very intentional in the design aspect of what would be installed at the park.
"With the lack of water, we had to install plants that would do well and could last through the harsh winters Michigan experiences," says Leamon.
Chatting with MCO President, Eric Dueweke, it was important that we find something that can remain green throughout the winter. That's where the Colorado blue spruce comes into the fold, says Leamon. "It will remain green the entire year."
The original centerpiece tree of the Gateway Park Image courtesy of Jeffrey D. Lewis II
"In the immediate area surrounding the blue spruce are alpine currents," says Leamon. They are very durable and dry-resistant.
Purpleleaf wintercreeper are based on the outer portion of the giant planter and as its name states, the plants will bloom a vibrant purplish hue in the coming months.
It is also important to note that the previous tree rooted as the park's centerpiece was transplanted right off the alley. It is now situated along with the other trees of its make.
The tree suffered in the planter due to the lack of water and the rooting system. It has a greater chance of reviving in this location.
"We envision this as a building block to uplift the entire community," says McLeod.
The makeover of Gateway Park is one that will resonate among community members and visitors for many years to come.
It's the small things that truly makes a difference. We're shining a little brighter today.