Three Mile Munich Updates

There has been quite a bit of activity taking place at the Three Mile Munich Park recently.

75 Volunteers from automotive supplier Cooper Standard assisted in adding several features that will significantly enhance the park.

Those items include:

  • A variety of bushes (Serviceberry, Golden Glory, Cherry Dogwood, and Mohawk Viburnum)

  • Picnic tables

  • Fresh mulch

  • Benches

  • Alpha Panel (Aluminum) material for the mural

The Alpha Panels for the murals were key items installed during the upgrades.

The community will soon announce the selected artist whose artwork will grace our neighborhood park.

One of the more exciting features that is planned for next year will be the installation of a walking trail that will include "hills"; yes, you read it correctly, actual hills!

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and take advantage of all the amazing features this beautiful, community gem has to offer!

Volunteers from Cooper Standard spread mulch at Three Mile Munich Park. Image courtesy of Jim West

Volunteers from Cooper Standard spread mulch at Three Mile Munich Park. Image courtesy of Jim West

Volunteers help install one of many new picnic tables at Three Mile Munich Park. Image courtesy of Jim West

Volunteers help install one of many new picnic tables at Three Mile Munich Park. Image courtesy of Jim West


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