Uniting and Strengthening Communities in District 4

First, I’d like to say thank you for the vote of confidence. As we prepare to move our communities forward, my first 90 days will focus on setting the groundwork to bring neighbors together to address Districtwide concerns that we can all work toward overcoming. We have an aggressive plan that will begin with meeting with all community organizations, partnering with the Community Advisory Council and preparing to host an introductory “Meet your Representatives” convening.

Additionally, we are looking to support community organizations by preparing them to receive resources to support their mission. As such, we are planning to host working sessions to create block clubs, nonprofit formation and grant writing. I will work on implementing a special Beautification initiative that seeks to instill a sense of pride within our District by supporting an anti-litter/dumping initiative along with supporting enforcement, infrastructure and policy changes to address vacant - residential and commercial - properties.

At the same time, in addition to getting to know my fellow Council members and setting up the office, I will work with Council to develop a legislative agenda that supports various citywide initiatives such as housing, infrastructure and small businesses.

(On another note, MECCA Development Corporation’s Board of Directors has begun the process of hiring their first staff member to grow their work. They’re also seeking a new Board Chair.)


Morningside’s Finest: Maurice “Moe” Mitchell


Act by December 13 to Get HOPE!