Caring Community “Shares the Warmth”

Children have a need for warm clothing during the winter months that extend far beyond the holiday season. For students at the Brilliant Detroit Morningside Hub, some of these needs are being met through the annual Share the Warmth Winter Clothing Drive.

For two consecutive years, Morningside Community Organization (MCO) and Morningside Cafe have teamed up to provide a convenient site for a donation collection box. Twiana Odom and Sharon Cawthorne, both MCO Board Members, work with fellow Board member and owner of Morningside Café, Jeffrey D. Lewis II to place and monitor the donations. This year, Hiptique owner, Nikki Delano also supported the clothing drive. “It's awesome when you're able to help people right in the community where we live & work”, says Nikki.

Share the Warmth was born from a concern after Twiana just happened to see a child walking outside without proper clothing in the deep winter months. She believed that the community could come together to meet the needs of the 10-20 families that patronize the Brillant Detroit Hub with a few warm clothing items. This year, Brilliant Detroit’s Outreach and Engagement Manager, Rakisha Odom, was on hand to receive the donations for placement at the Morningside Hub.

Rakisha Odom, Jeffrey D. Lewis II, and Sharon Davis-Cawthorne. Image courtesy of Twiana Odom

Morningside Cafe owner, Jeffrey D. Lewis II and Hiptique owner, Nikki Delano. Image courtesy of Sharon Davis-Cawthorne


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