E. Warren Makeover Moves South

As the end of construction season draws near, workers are busy on the south side of E. Warren. Crews are even working weekends to get as much of the streetscape completed as they can before cold weather forces a long pause. According to James Hannig, Deputy Director of Complete Streets at DPW, the weather will determine when work ends this season. If we are fortunate enough to have this rather balmy weather continue, they may be able to work into December. Mother Nature, as always, will have the last word.

The top layer of asphalt has been removed from the south side lane, and they’re working on curbs and sidewalks now, along with electrical work for the streetlights. The entire street will be repaved and temporary pavement markings will be installed before the first snowfall. The south side of what will become the Courville Plaza is awaiting its turn, while work on the north side of the plaza continues.

As for the old planters sitting in the vacant lot at E. Warren and Audubon, ideas and suggestions are still being considered. Stay tuned!

Click here to access the full EWDC Streetscape Newsletter with links.

Construction shifts to the south side of East Warren. Image courtesy of Susan Newell


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