Think You Can't Write? Think Again

When I was in high school, I hated the in-class writing assignments our English teacher gave us. I’d sit at my desk, trying desperately to think of an opening sentence, censoring myself, feeling stupid. At the end of the class, I’d do the walk of shame up to the teacher’s desk, show her the one or two sentences I’d managed to put on paper, and ask for an extension. She would shake her head, say “Not again, Susan,” and reluctantly give me until the end of the school day to turn in my essay.

Writing eventually became easier over the years as I kept doing it, getting more life experience and with it, more self-confidence. Since working on The Morningsider, I’ve found that many residents - high school graduates, college graduates, it doesn’t matter - hate putting words on paper. Dread of writing seems almost as common as fear of public speaking. But being able to express yourself in writing is a skill that can open up doors in all areas of life - professional as well as personal.

We believe a community newsletter should be for, about, and by the community. We want The Morningsider to amplify the diverse perspectives and voices of our neighborhood, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you to contribute. If you can speak, you can write. A first draft is just talking on paper; making it pretty comes later.

Are you a long-time Detroiter with childhood memories of the east side? Are you a newcomer getting to know the neighborhood? Do you have an opinion about something happening in our community or city? We want to hear from you!

If you’ve got something to say but worry about saying it well, we can work together. I’ll take notes using your own words as much as possible, then turn it into a rough draft that you can adapt to make it your own. The companion article from a seasoned journalist and native Detroiter has some helpful hints to make writing a little easier.

If you’re still not convinced to take the plunge, no problem. We always appreciate ideas for stories and new issues that need to be covered. If you’re ready to talk, we’re ready to listen! Contact me at or our editor, Jeffrey D Lewis II, at (Yes, that’s ymail, not gmail).

By the way, what you’ve just read went through more changes than I can count. I finally said what I always do: “Good enough is good enough!”


E. Warren Makeover Moves South


Ready to Write? Now What?