Give a Smile, Get a Smile


This month's Give A Smile, Get A Smile comes from Morningside resident Jessie Devereaux, starring her adorable kitten Louisa.

Louisa was found in early April outside Public Foods at Three Mile and E Warren. At the time, she was in pretty rough shape — helpless and alone, barely able to see or breathe with gooped-up eyes and nose. But with the help of a neighbor and expertise of a local vet, Jessie and her husband (hi!) took in this little tiny kitten and nursed her back to health.

Today, Louisa is a healthy, sweet, and very naughty inside/outside cat, living the good life on Audubon (about 3 blocks away from where she was found). She's the love of Jessie's life and it's not hard to see why. Just look at those honeycomb eyes!


Morningside Bike Ride Showcases Community, Creativity


Letter to the Editor: Ready for Change?