Morningside Bike Ride Showcases Community, Creativity

Participants smile for a group photo at Three Mile Park before heading out on the bike ride

Participants smile for a group photo at Three Mile Park before heading out on the bike ride

Over 20 neighbors came out and participated in our annual community bike ride on Saturday, September 18th.

We met up bright and early, 10:00am, at Three Mile Park. From there, we cruised the neighborhood and zig-zagged our way to various planned stops: Emerald Gardens, Somerset Orchard, Cornwall Corridor, and Featherstone Garden.

Each stop showcased a once-abandoned lot being repurposed into something new. A representative at each stop was available on site to discuss the project and take questions from participants.

We wrapped up the event by noon.

It was a lovely morning, showcasing the community and creativity that’s happening right here in Morningside Detroit!

Check out the pictures below.

Bikes lined up at the corner of Cornwall and Haverhill

Participants chat with Gary Gray, owner and caretaker of Emerald Gardens MorningSide

Participants chat with Gary Gray, owner and caretaker of Emerald Gardens MorningSide

An impromptu stop at the Brilliant Detroit house (5050 Balfour)

An impromptu stop at the Brilliant Detroit house (5050 Balfour)

AJ White, owner and caretaker of Somerset Orchard, gives everyone a tour

Attendees had the opportunity to sample home-grown apples

Attendees had the opportunity to sample home-grown apples

Bikes lined up outside Featherstone Garden (4178 Lakepointe)

Bikes lined up outside Featherstone Garden (4178 Lakepointe)

Participants listen to the plans in formation at the Cornwall Corridor

Gaston Nogues, one-half of the dynamic duo behind the Cornwall Corridor Project

Gaston Nogues, one-half of the dynamic duo behind the Cornwall Corridor Project


Community Meeting: Tues, October 12, 6:30pm, at Bethany Lutheran Church


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