Mayor Duggan Visits Morningside For Major Announcement

Our own Three Mile-Munich Park served as the venue for a visit from Mayor Mike Duggan and other dignitaries on June 27. The Mayor was joined by Gene Sperling, Chief of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, several City Council members, other partners, and media.

The occasion marked the announcement of Round 2 of the Down Payment Assistance (DPA) program, which will allow up to 300 Detroiters to receive $25,000 toward purchase of a new home.

During the initial round of the DPA, 434 Detroiters became first-time homebuyers. Seventeen of the new homeowners chose to purchase in Morningside, the program’s second-most popular neighborhood.

Our Maryland Street neighbor Satin Adams Church was featured at the press conference, telling the story of her journey to own her home with the help of Habitat for Humanity Detroit. Council Member Latisha Johnson remarked that “It only takes one family to help stabilize our neighborhoods.”

Funding for the second round of the DPA program includes $5 million from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Mr. Sperling, a Detroit native who serves as a Senior Advisor to the President, noted that “this program…is precisely what President Biden is now proposing to do nationwide.” Other local funders of the program include Wayne County along with several banks and foundations.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must meet certain income limits, prove they have lived in the City of Detroit for the last 12 months and take a homebuyer education class. To learn more about program details, go to or call 866-313-2520. Program partners include U-SNAP-BAC, located on East Warren at Alter Road in Morningside.


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