MCO Tree Planting with Greening of Detroit
A freshly planted tree. Image courtesy of The Greening of Detroit
The Greening of Detroit will be planting trees with MorningSide Community Organization, and we need your help! We are focused on beautifying the west half of MorningSide, mainly the blocks near east Warren. The exact locations and types of trees for this planting will be announced before May 14.
Volunteers should dress for the weather, wear closed-toe shoes or boots, gloves, and bring water + needed snacks.
*Please note: All volunteers will be required to pass a COVID-19 Pre-Screening Survey/ Waiver that will be sent out prior to the volunteer event. We ask that volunteers not vaccinated please wear a mask during the event.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meeting up at 4801 Nottingham Road Detroit, MI, 48224
Questions? Contact: Charon Nogues at (562) 895-9399
Volunteer link: 14treeplanting
Learn more about Greening of Detroit at: