Community Meeting: Tues, October 12, 6:30pm, at Bethany Lutheran Church

Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 12th, 6:30pm.

We will be meeting in-person at Bethany Lutheran Church, 11475 E. Outer Drive, Detroit, MI 48224. At the meeting, we will maintain social distancing, and masks are required inside the building.

For those who cannot attend, we will be broadcasting live via Zoom. However, please keep in mind that the Zoom meeting will have minimal functionality.

Zoom meeting link:
Call-in number 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 876 5627 5944 / Password: 824390

On the agenda, we have the following agenda items:

  • City of Detroit Roof Repair program

  • Housing Resource Center and HOPE program (U-SNAP-BAC)

  • Michigan Redistricting Committee

  • MorningSide neighborhood feral cat rescue

  • Nuisance Abatement Program progress report

  • Mack Avenue Business Association

  • Special Membership Incentive

Have an agenda item for consideration? Please email us at


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