Michigan Republicans Launch Attack on Voting Rights
A colorful vote mural on the side of the ACLU Michigan building on Woodward Avenue. Image courtesy of Jim West
Detroit — Republicans in Michigan and 42 other states have decided that democracy no longer serves their interests. People of color, who make up a large segment of Democratic voters, are on track to become the majority over the next few decades, and this doesn’t bode well for Republicans. Their response is as old as our nation: if they can’t win elections by winning a majority of voters, they must rely on gerrymandering and voter suppression to pick and choose who gets to vote. Georgia has been the first, but may not be the last, state to enact a series of restrictions on voting rights intended to undermine the voting power of minority communities, but in the process, will make it harder for everyone to vote.
According to the online magazine Bridge Michigan, the Michigan Senate has introduced a sweeping bill that, among other things, “would tighten photo identification requirements for in-person voting, create new identification rules for absentee ballots and limit the use of absentee ballot drop boxes.
“The proposal would also bar local governments from providing free return postage on absentee ballots, and it would prohibit election officials from using private grants to purchase new voting equipment or improve administration.”
Given the certainty that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would veto any bill restricting voting rights in Michigan, Republicans are also launching a statewide petition drive that would put a voter suppression bill on the ballot. The results of that vote could not be vetoed by the Governor. Whether the Republicans can get the 340,000 signatures needed to put these measures on the ballot depends, in large part, on white voters’ ability to see what’s at the heart of this effort. Will they accept the “Big Lie” that Democrats stole the 2020 election through widespread voter fraud, or will they that see that whatever restrictions they put on Black and Brown voters will hurt their right to vote as well? If it becomes harder, for example, for an African American senior to vote by absentee ballot, it becomes harder for a white senior as well.
What can we Detroiters do to protect our right to vote? We can assume that our own representatives at the state and federal level will oppose voting restrictions, but we still can’t be complacent. Not since the days of Jim Crow has our democracy been under such serious threat. Here are some steps you can take to protect it:
Make sure everyone you know is aware of what’s happening. For a variety of reasons, not everyone pays close attention to the news. Someone in your family or friendship circle may not realize that we’re facing a 5-alarm fire; make sure to keep them informed.
Make sure everyone you know is registered to vote. Now is not the time for anyone to be cynical about the importance of voting. Get involved in voter registration campaigns. Look at what Stacey Abrams was able to accomplish in Georgia. Anyone who says “my vote doesn’t matter” hasn’t been paying attention.
Make sure everyone you know has a photo ID. Detroit has its own ID, which you can apply for through the city’s website, www.detroitmi.gov. It’s good for many things, but may not be accepted as valid for voting in Michigan. The process of getting a widely accepted photo ID is often very burdensome and lengthy. Don’t let anyone you know put it off. Offer to help them if necessary.
Check out the work of Voters Not Politicians at www.votersnotpoliticians.com. This is the statewide group that started with a single Facebook post, then went on to wage a successful campaign to establish a citizens commission to redraw voting districts fairly and end gerrymandering in Michigan. In addition to fighting continuing Republican efforts to stop this commission from functioning properly, VNP is taking on the current threat to our voting rights. They can use your time, energy, and money.
We will do our best to keep you updated as the struggle unfolds, and we identify more resources to fight this attack on one of our most precious rights.