Future Leaders - Marissa Rich

English English Village Preparatory Academy at Finney senior, Marissa Rich. Image courtesy of Adrian L. Green

One of the brightest and best students at East English Village Preparatory Academy at Finney is 12th grade scholar Maressa Rich. Ms. Rich currently ranks near the top of the Class of 2025 and will graduate with honors in May. She has a current grade point average of 3.70 and in addition to her morning classes at The Ville, she's participating in Career Technical Education Programs at Golightly Technical Center.

Maressa plans to attend Eastern Michigan University in the Fall where she will be majoring in Accounting. Her favorite subject is Personal Finance and she hopes to work in the financial industry someday.

Maressa's educational accomplishments and leadership led to her nomination and participation on the DPSCD District Executive Youth Council (DEYC), where she is one of two EEVPA at Finney representatives. She is also actively working an internship at Rocket Mortgage.

In her spare time, Maressa enjoys playing video games and stated that "they help me relax". Maressa Rich indeed has a bright future ahead of her and we congratulate her on being recognized as one of The Ville's Best and Brightest.


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